Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Shack by William P. Young

I dislike writing dialogue. I find it to be the most difficult aspect of writing. Not only does it have to sound good, but it also has to be something your character would say as well as something your reader could picture being said in real life. It is easier to sound phony than to actually make your character be alive with dialect.

This book is a prime example. It's a religious story about a man you finds God and Jesus when searching for the body of his young daughter who has been abducted. Okay, so could you really find a persona of God in a shack in the middle of the woods? Maybe so. Perhaps not but this is not my issue with the story. The dialect is atrocious. No one and I mean no one would say the things the characters were saying in real life much less the way they were phrasing them. It ruined the entire premise of even believing you could find God in your travels. It made the characters so fake that the entire story turned 100% fake. How someone could find religious inspiration in this book I simply don't understand.

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